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Townwide Trunk or Treat

Wearing honey bee onesie PJs may sound funny, but it was a cozy way to raise awareness of honey bees (and it doubled as a Halloween costume!). Visitors to the Tubbs O'Honey trunk were treated with Bit O'Honey candies, their choice of bee stickers and great conversation. The trunk featured several beekeeping tools and gear, but most obvious was the honey bee decorations made by Girl Scouts Troop 94559. The Montville, NJ town wide Trunk or Treat was attended by residents and guests infants through senior adults and there wasn't one Bit O'Honey left at the end of the event!

If you have no honey in your pot, have some in your mouth.

Benjamin Franklin

Our Mission

Let's Bee Friendly

Hello! In December 2022, I earned the Girl Scout Gold Award for my project Let's BEE Friendly. This website is a part of that project. Today I am serving the New Jersey Beekeepers Association as their 2024 NJ Honey Queen, spreading knowledge across the state about the importance of honey bees to our society. If you want to learn about honey bees - you are in the right place!

Madeline Tubbs


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