Take the
Bee Friendly Pledge
By signing this pledge, I hereby declare that I will employ bee friendly practices in my daily and long-term activities.
I will achieve this through:
Encouraging the planting of pollen and nectar providers:
Nectar: maples, wild cherries, linden, black locust, dandelion flowers,
Pollen: chrysanthemums, dahlias, dandelions, marigolds,
Allowing for the growth of dandelion flowers in early spring,
Calling a beekeeper, as opposed to an exterminator, to relocate (not eliminate) beehives or swarms,
Supporting local beekeepers,
Advocating for honey bees,
Creating a water source for honey bees to rehydrate while foraging,
Avoiding the use of harmful pesticides,
Letting honey bees you may encounter “bee”,
Understanding honey bees are not inherently hostile, and want to go along their merrily bee way,
Promoting plant diversity in your neighborhood,
Respecting honey bees’ personal space, and their homes.
The hum of bees is the voice of the garden.
Elizabeth Lawrence