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Teen Events

I had the wonderful privilege to work with the Morris County School of Technology (MCST) to spread the read of this project in two events: the Environmental Action Club's annual Earth Fest; and MCST's annual Makers Day! For more details, scroll to the dedicated sections!

Our Mission

Earth Fest


In celebration of Earth day, the Environmental Action Club at MCST, holds an annual event dubbed Earth Fest. In this celebration, booths and activities are made that are dedicated to the idea of sustainability and environmental kindness. Naturally I had to be there! Students, educators, and fellow environmentally conscious individuals attended my booth and I had countless intelligent discussions regarding the importance of honey bees, their contribution to our lives, and the Bee Friendly Pledge! The Bee Friendly Pledge details bee friendly practices that ordinary citizens can do that will help honey bees thrive in our troubled environment. During this event, 108 individuals pledged to follow these practices.

earth fest pledge signatures.jpeg

Makers Day

The Morris Country School of Technology holds an annual Makers Day event, where students can share about different things they make or do outside of school! I was able to have a booth about beekeeping and how to help honey bees. Attendees at my booth could "make" seed bombs containing seed of native NJ pollinator-friendly plants. I gained signatures in support of the 'Bee Friendly Pledge'. Over the course of two days, I interacted with people ranging from the ages of 3 to 80.  


Request a seed bomb kit by visiting the Contact Us page.

​If you want to gather honey, don’t kick over the beehive.

Abraham Lincoln

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