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Educating the Community

From pre-school through adults, Let's Bee Friendly continues to educate others to improve general knowledge of why honey bees are so important to our supply of nutritious food and what behaviors people need to avoid in order to save honey bees.

Townwide Trunk or Treat

Wearing honey bee onesie PJs may sound funny, but it was a cozy way to raise awareness of honey bees (and it doubled as a Halloween costume!).  Learn more.


Preschool Events

In this lesson for preschool age children, we discussed that honey bees pollinate plants that allow us to eat yummy fruits and vegetables. Learn more.

Preschool bug week.JPG

Elementary School Age Events

In these presentations, we discussed why we want to be bee friendly, what is pollination?, and why honey bees specifically are important to our food supply. Learn more.


Teen & Adult Events

Have you ever made a seed bomb that contains native wildflower seeds? Learn more.


Scouts Events

Does linden, blueberry and black locust honey really taste different? Learn more.


The hum of bees is the voice of the garden.

Elizabeth Lawrence

Let's Bee Friendly

Hello! In December 2022, I earned the Girl Scout Gold Award for my project Let's BEE Friendly. This website is a part of that project. Today I am serving the New Jersey Beekeepers Association as their 2024 NJ Honey Queen, spreading knowledge across the state about the importance of honey bees to our society. If you want to learn about honey bees - you are in the right place!

Madeline Tubbs


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