Garden Pest Management
Forager bees constantly go out into the great unknown, trying to collect resources for the success of their hive. Along the way, they may pick up pesticide residue that can eventually accumulate and cause harm to the eggs, larvae, and adult honey bees of the hive. One thing the general public can help the bees with, is being conscious of what pesticides you may use for pest management or in landscaping. Doing this could also help other pollinators, such as butterflies, bumble bees and moths!
If you ultimately decide to use pesticides, here are some good practices that keep pollinators in mind:
-Instead of powdered/dust products, use liquid pesticides
- explore non-pesticide treatments before deciding (within reason)
-familiarize yourself completely with the treatment you are using, and follow instructions exactly
-If you do have to spray, apply in the evening if possible. This action would limit the contact honeybees have with the pesticide.
- more information can be found at

Bee-friendly Weed Killer
Here is a recipe for an effective weed killer that uses nontoxic ingredients rather than chemicals, making it much safer for honey bees and the environment.
1 gallon of vinegar
2 cups of Epson salt
¼ cup of Dawn dish soap
Mix until the salt is dissolved.
Spray weeds with the solution in the morning after the dew has evaporated.

Pesticides that are Honey Bee Safe
Which Pesticides Are Honey Bee Safe?
Kaolin Clay.
Corn Gluten.
Gibberellic Acid.
A bee is an exquisite chemist.
Royal beekeeper to Charles II